Workers’ Compensation Insurance from Robley pays for medical costs, lost time, and compensation for injuries incurred while at work.

Fast Workers’ Compensation Facts From Robley:
Coverage You'll Need
Coverage Limits
- Statutory Limits – $100,000/occurrence by bodily injury, $100,000 per employee for bodily injury and disease, and a $500,000 policy limit for bodily injury by disease
- Other limits include $500,000/$500,000/$500,000 and $1,000,000/$1,000,000/$1,000,000
Worker's Comp Explained
Premium Basis
- Premiums are based on estimated payroll in your different class codes – there is a rate/hundred assigned to each class code, based on the risk inherant in that activity
- The Manual Premium is the sum of the premium from all the class codes
- The Experience Modification Rate (EMR) is given to you based on the following:
- Premiums paid vs losses incurred
- Uses three years of history, not counting the current year.
- Any EMR below 1.0 is considered good, and anything over 1.0 can negatively impact your ability to work on certain jobsites, and it increases your premium paid
- The Manual Premium is multiplied by the EMR, and either increases or decreases your rate accordingly
- An additional Premium Discount or Scheduled Credit can be applied solely at the discretion of your current insurance carrier
Helpful Tips
- You should have $1,000,000 limits if you don’t currently have them. The premium difference is very minor.
- Your EMR is probably the most important factor that influences both your ability to work on certain job sites and the premium that you pay. When you have an EMR that is under 1.0, insurance companies are more likely to give you a large scheduled credit, which further reduces your insurance premium.
- In the state of Indiana, you can receive a scheduled credit on your Worker’s Compensation, after your EMR has been applied. What is your current scheduled credit?
- How Does Workers Compensation Apply to Officers?
- Officers can either be included or excluded from Worker’s Compensation
- This is the decision of the officer(s)
When It Comes To Workers’ Compensation, Robley Helps Keep Your Workers Protected:

The Right Coverage
Delivering the coverage you need on the job in order to keep workers and your business protected.

Great Claim Service
Helping guide you through the entire claims process to make it as simple and hassle free as possible.

Quick Certificates
Robley will get your COIs out quickly and accurately. We are on top of it.

Fast Response
Getting you the help you need whenever questions and needs about your coverage arise.

Stay On Top of Rates
Your dedicated Account Manager will ensure that you have the best rate in the market – year in and year out.

Ongoing Partnership
Robley will become your true risk management partner with Claim Shield, our Claim Prevention Service.
Choose Robley To Be Your Risk Management Partner
We’ll provide you with a customized insurance program and claim prevention – all at a competitive rate in the market.
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